26 December 2005


The store was closed yesterday. It appears the winners last week were Down Spooky, Invisible Bride, Collected Berrigan, Koch, Can You Relax in My House, Your Time Has Come, and American Tatts. Oh, and a Mary Oliver, probably a Billy Collins, and somebody's Rumi.

To all the other new poetry titles, I resolve before year's end, I do, to push for you.

When I've drunk this coffee, I have to see a man about a cake.

Then—in the spirit of not having national health insurance, not being a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol, etc.—today is not Second Christmas, not Boxing Day, not St. Stephen's Day: it's yet another tricky day, the store is open, and I go into work.


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Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal
Why begrudge me a little fun. And must you chew gum.
Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal