03 February 2006

Open Source

Heard Christopher Lydon on the radio tonight talking with the screenwriter Danny Rubin and others (e.g.) about the film Groundhog Day. Lydon's valuable.


At 05 February, 2006 06:03, Blogger Thomas said...

"there has been much speculation as to how many times Phil repeated the loop. There are a few websites that speculate it was fewer than 30. I say to learn how to ice sculpt and play piano like that he repeated the day hundreds if not thousands of times."

This strikes me as profound. If he kept at it a thousand times (stealing the money, taking the lessons, failing in love) it would have demanded that he did so without hope hundreds (and perhaps thousands) of times before "the end of the day". He would have had to commit himself to the fate of simply doing it again, only a little differently, i.e., only very slightly differently.


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Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal
Why begrudge me a little fun. And must you chew gum.
Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal