12 January 2007

Mirrors for Gold Roberto Tejada Krupskaya
Recommended without hesitation:


At 12 January, 2007 12:28, Blogger Guillermo Parra said...

Thanks for posting this. His "Gift & Verdict" is fantastic. I hadn't realized this new one was out.

Happy new year.


At 12 January, 2007 21:00, Blogger CLAY BANES said...

i found a used copy of gift & verdict last weekend, started reading it tuesday morning, and it blew my head off.

i'm seeing him tuesday at city lights in s.f. expectant.

to be hoped krupskaya adds the book to their website soon.


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Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal
Why begrudge me a little fun. And must you chew gum.
Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal