14 January 2006

Rupert Murdoch's New Poetry Blog

Media conglomerate News Corporation—aka Rupert Murdoch, aka Harper Collins—has launched a new fake poetry blog hosted by TypePad—which it still doesn't own, not yet—named CruelestMonth.com.

Harper's imprints include Ecco, fair-weather friend to Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Zbigniew Herbert, Aleksander Wat, Tomaž Šalamun and Yannis Ritsos, among others.

As my best mate during my consignment in the Bundeswehr, Jo, used to say—ever often and always aptly: Zum Kotzen.

Aleksander Wat
Aleksander Wat explains to a young boy what crap HarperCollins is.


At 14 January, 2006 19:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean Harper Collins is the James Frey of blogging? And, this seeming to indicate that poetry blogs are totally over, can I just skip getting one together now?

At 15 January, 2006 20:28, Blogger Tao Lin said...

the photo looks like a michael earl craig poem


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Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal
Why begrudge me a little fun. And must you chew gum.
Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal
Iga Wyrwal